Approximately, 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide. More than 1 million bags are used every minute. A plastic bag has an average "working life" of 15 minutes. 

Switching to reusable bags, water bottles and containers can be an effective change towards safeguarding our environment and wildlife. 
Turning off lights, AC's and heaters when not in use can save up to 282 kilowatts of energy per day.
This leads to significant impact on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity and your electricity bills too. Making small changes in our lifestyle would bring a lot of difference in the society.
An average Global person wastes upto 2.5 litres of water in a day, in brushing, bathing, utensils, laundry etc. 
Small conscious efforts that can reduce water waste
turning off tap while brushing teeth
fixing leaks promptly
using water efficient appliances and fixtures ( low - flow showerheads and toilets)
The global economy could lose upto 18% of GDP by 2050, if no climate action is taken. 
Solution :
Transitioning to low-carbon energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable land use practices can mitigate the risks to the global economy and help to ensure a safe future.
According to NASA, atmospheric carbon dioxide has never been more than 300 parts per million, in the last 8 lakh years. Today it is creeping up to 420 ppm.
Reducing energy usage, Using public transportation, Reducing waste, Buying eco-friendly products, Planting trees, Using renewable energy are some of the steps to reduce carbon footprints to nature.
Rural artisans and traditional handicrafts often face a lack of recognition and support, resulting in declining popularity and profitability of the art. 
Promoting the use of traditional handicrafts in our daily life and creating awareness about their cultural significance can help to revive interest in these handicrafts for people.
Limited access to markets, limited or no exposure to contemporary designs and techniques, and a lack of investment in training and infrastructure are some of the factors that leads to the decline of the traditional handicrafts. 
Organization and governments can implement programs that provide marketing, financial, and technical support to rural artisans in continuing their art.
Challenges faced by artisans
Competition from mass-produced goods
Handmade goods struggle to compete with cheaper, mass-produced alternatives in the market.
Highlighting the high quality, cultural value, and ethical production, consumers may be more likely to choose handmade products. Accessibility to markets and customers can increase the competetiveness of hand made goods.
Lack of recognition and financial support: Artisans often lack recognition and financial support, leading to declining popularity and profitability
Promoting handmade goods through marketing campaigns, showcasing artisans' work in museums and exhibitions, and providing financial support through grants, loans, and other initiatives. Thus, ensuring fair compensation for their work and sustain their livelihoods.
Challenges faced by artisans
Lack of business and marketing skills: Many artisans lack business and marketing skills, making it difficult for them to reach customers and sell their products.
Helping artisans in the development of their business and marketing skills, we can help to ensure the sustainability of traditional handicrafts and support the livelihoods of artisans.
Challenges with Intellectual Property Rights: Many times Artisans struggle to protect their designs and techniques from being copied and sold by others
Promoting fair trade and ethical sourcing can help to ensure that artisans receive fair compensation for their work and that their products are not copied or sold without their permission